Sustainable development trajectories for teams and companies

Through the eye of CEO Geert Debusschere


Through the eye of CEO Geert Debusschere

Now that the measures allow things again, companies are longing for teambuildings. But such activities only come into their own when they are cleverly deployed within a broader trajectory, in which a team is given the right incentive at the right time.

The vision of our CEO, Geert Debusschere, on such sustainable programs:

"Ecco La Luna attaches great importance to sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility. We have therefore developed team building programs around these themes, which are very popular with companies. But companies that want to do business sustainably must also ensure that they invest their money in a sustainable way. You notice that in many companies the budgets to invest in team development, coaching and learning are spread out. Moreover, it is sometimes spent on pure fun activities. We advocate meeting with companies to see where they have different budgets and ensure that they can also invest those budgets with impact, so that the investment has a lasting effect and is therefore also sustainable."

The right stimulus at the right time

"So it comes down to drawing up a trajectory together, and looking at which intervention would be needed at a certain moment. That can be fun, that can be coaching,... I compare it with preparing a Olympic athlete. If an athlete trains not enough and his or her body gives not enough stimulation then that athlete will not get any training effect. On the other hand if an athlete trains too much he/she will be overtrained and then he/she will also not be able to perform as desired. So it comes down to providing the right stimulus at the right time, in order to obtain a double growth effect, which is called supercompensation in sports."

Trustworthy partner

"Ecco La Luna wants to draw up a similar trajectory for companies. We are setting up a coaching trajectory, in which we also plan the next intervention after a certain time. In this way we ensure that what has been learned is not lost and that a step forward can be taken again. Of course we hope to be a reliable partner with Ecco La Luna, because we can offer the entire process in-house. We can be the fun provider, but also provide coaching, learning and development."

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