Re-boost Your Team


If one thing is certain, it is the fact that the pandemic has also shaken up the labor market. The current striking transition to a regime with the permanent possibility of teleworking brings with it both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, as a teleworker you have more flexibility and autonomy in determining your working day. On the other hand, the reduced social contact with colleagues means that you no longer sufficiently nourish this important behavioral aspect.

In addition, we also notice a need for companies that wish to properly guide the return of their employees to the physical workplace after long periods of telework. How do we stimulate that collegial interaction from the past and boost a connecting communication? How do we integrate new employees who have never seen their colleagues in real life? How do we ensure that we become a well-oiled machine in the workplace again?

Ecco La Luna offers programs that focus on collaborative collaboration and communication. Through a number of practical and fun challenges, we let you experience what the state is of smooth collaboration and connecting communication within your company. After each challenge, we reflect together on what came up during the assignment and let you give each other feedback (both positive and negative). The aim is to stimulate a renewed mutual appreciation and a better connection with each other. We then take these learning outcomes with us to the next challenge that we present to you. Finally, we invite you as a team to name what you can learn from this and apply it in the workplace. During this process, we always offer a safe framework in which people listen to each other without passing judgment.

We start this program with a no-obligation intake interview in which we discuss duration, content, budget and themes. We provide 1 coach per group of about 15 people. The duration of a session varies from half a day to a full day, depending on the need. Some clients for whom we recently organized such coaching sessions: Atlas Copco, Cegeka, Aluvision, Central Point, Brico & Mediq.

Other themes such as leadership, customer focus, dealing with diversity ... are also part of our offer.

Get in touch

So tell us what your ideal programme looks like, and we will give you a tailor-made quote.

Would you like to speak to someone right away?

+32 9 245 82 88

Standard or tailor-made?

Tell us what your program looks like, and we will provide you with a tailored quote.