Make your corporate song!

This workshop is completely transportable! To have fun and to boost the team spirit. This unforgettable workshop combines quick creative decisions with a practical way of working. These are abilities that you can use individually and in a team. During the workshop we look at the creative process when making a own single CD. Our professional team of producers, audio engineers, singing coaches and photographers assist our guests with these musical puzzles. Song writing: After a short introduction and some tips of the producer we get down to business. We work with one theme in mind to evolve from words to sentences and from sentences to a songtext. Melody: here we develop the musical talent. We don't look at the text and we focus on a melody. We combine these details and start practising before recording the song. Recording: with the producer/singing coach and the engineer we go a step further in the creative process. Who does the lead singing, who does the backings? Can we use a tambourine, shaker or an extra guitar? Together we record your corporate song. Photoshoot: From recording studio to the photo studio. Our home photographer will show you the world of rock photography. A band name, title and concept for you cover and to put this into practice. Brand new single: We put all these elements together and you have your own team song. Everything is mixed, mastered and printed at the spot. Per team you will receive 2 hardcopies and we will create a download link so you can receive everything on computer. If there is enough time, we can give each participant an own CD. Moreover: you can use this CD as a business gift internal and external or as ringtone for your call centre.. There is also the possibility to make an album with more than 1 song made during the same workshop. We can accompany the workshop with a live band and maybe even an after party with the same band. Also a fitting videoclip is possible, with the use of GreenKey techniques.

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So tell us what your ideal programme looks like, and we will give you a tailor-made quote.

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+32 9 245 82 88

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